Local Conditions
Newton, IL
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Temp: 72oF Feels Like: 72oF
Humid: 82% Dew Pt: 66oF
Barom: 30.11 Wind Dir: N
Cond: N/A Wind Spd: 0 mph
Sunrise: 5:50 Sunset: 8:08
As reported at OLNEY/NOBLE, IL at 10:00 PM
Local Radar
Newton, IL
Local Forecast
Newton, IL





High: 86°F
Low: 63°F
Precip: 30%
High: 81°F
Low: 70°F
Precip: 70%
High: 83°F
Low: 69°F
Precip: 69%
High: 89°F
Low: 71°F
Precip: 68%
High: 91°F
Low: 71°F
Precip: 52%
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DTN National Cash Indices

Index Last Chg
Corn Cash Index $3.00 0.00
Soybean Cash Index $10.00 0.00
SRW Wheat Cash Index $4.00 0.00
HRW Wheat Cash Index $4.00 - 1.00
HRS Wheat Cash Index $5.00 0.00

Quote Ticker
  • CORN (Sep 24) 394'6 -11'4 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • CORN (Dec 24) 410'0 -10'6 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • CORN (Mar 25) 424'6 -10'6 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Aug 24) 1071'6 -38'4 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Sep 24) 1040'2 -32'4 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Nov 24) 1046'4 -31'0 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Sep 24) 522'6 -14'2 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Dec 24) 547'6 -14'0 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Mar 25) 567'6 -13'6 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • LEAN HOGS (Aug 24) 93.475 -0.300 7/26/24   1:04 PM CST
  • LEAN HOGS (Oct 24) 78.150 0.400 7/26/24   1:04 PM CST
  • LEAN HOGS (Dec 24) 70.350 0.375 7/26/24   1:04 PM CST
  • LIVE CATTLE (Aug 24) 188.525 - 0.325 7/26/24   1:04 PM CST
  • LIVE CATTLE (Oct 24) 188.500 - 0.050 7/26/24   1:04 PM CST
  • LIVE CATTLE (Dec 24) 189.125 0.400 7/26/24   1:04 PM CST

DTN Market Matters Blog
Editorial Staff
Friday, July 26, 2024 11:32AM CDT
DTN's weekly average spot price for domestic distillers dried grains is down $2 versus one week ago.
Monday, July 22, 2024 7:44AM CDT
Monday, July 22, 2024 7:44AM CDT

Court Vacates Biden on RFS Exemptions
Friday, July 26, 2024 1:50PM CDT
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Friday vacated the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's denial of previously granted small-refinery exemptions to the Renewable Fuel Standard.
EPA Releases Draft Insecticide Strategy
Friday, July 26, 2024 4:51AM CDT
EPA's quest to protect threatened and endangered species when it registers pesticides took its next step on Thursday when the agency released its draft Insecticide Strategy.
Spring Wheat Tour Final Results
Thursday, July 25, 2024 5:09PM CDT
Day 3 of the Wheat Quality Council's Spring Wheat and Durum Tour concluded Thursday with the final three-day total weighted average yield estimate of 53.8 bushels per acre (bpa) of 257 fields total for the three days. The average spring wheat yield of 237 fields was at 54.5 bpa, and the average durum yield of 18 fields was at 45.3 bpa.
AGCO Sells Grain, Protein Business
Thursday, July 25, 2024 11:55AM CDT
AGCO announced Thursday it has sold its Grain and Protein unit to American Industrial Partners for $700 million.

Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Sep 24 405'6 406'4 394'0 394'6 -11'4 394'4s 03:57P Chart for @C4U Options for @C4U
Dec 24 421'0 421'6 409'2 410'0 -10'6 410'0s 03:51P Chart for @C4Z Options for @C4Z
Mar 25 435'2 436'0 424'2 424'6 -10'6 424'4s 03:51P Chart for @C5H Options for @C5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 1113'2 1117'2 1071'4 1071'6 -38'4 1077'4s 02:51P Chart for @S4Q Options for @S4Q
Sep 24 1068'6 1075'6 1038'6 1040'2 -32'4 1042'0s 01:20P Chart for @S4U Options for @S4U
Nov 24 1077'6 1080'4 1045'0 1046'4 -31'0 1048'4s 03:28P Chart for @S4X Options for @S4X
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Sep 24 537'0 541'2 522'0 522'6 -14'2 523'4s 03:59P Chart for @W4U Options for @W4U
Dec 24 561'4 565'6 546'6 547'6 -14'0 548'4s 03:16P Chart for @W4Z Options for @W4Z
Mar 25 580'6 585'4 567'2 567'6 -13'6 569'0s 01:30P Chart for @W5H Options for @W5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 94.075 94.100 93.375 93.475 -0.300 93.475s 01:05P Chart for @HE4Q Options for @HE4Q
Oct 24 78.050 78.550 77.600 78.150 0.400 78.200s 01:05P Chart for @HE4V Options for @HE4V
Dec 24 70.150 70.425 69.850 70.350 0.375 70.325s 03:21P Chart for @HE4Z Options for @HE4Z
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 189.000 189.325 188.250 188.525 - 0.325 188.575s 01:05P Chart for @LE4Q Options for @LE4Q
Oct 24 188.600 189.025 187.900 188.500 - 0.050 188.550s 03:22P Chart for @LE4V Options for @LE4V
Dec 24 188.900 189.400 188.525 189.125 0.400 189.300s 03:28P Chart for @LE4Z Options for @LE4Z
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